Saturday, January 9, 2016

Just Cause 2 and Just Cause 3

Cover art for Just Cause 2
My seventh review will be on Just Cause 2 and Just Cause 3. Just Cause 2 takes place on a fictional southern Asian island of Panau. You play as Rico Rodriguez to find and kill Tom Sheldon and to piss off the military and the dictator of the country named Baby Panay by blowing stuff up. What I like about this game is first of all the some of environments that can be destroyed unlike some games where the only things that you can destroy is vehicles or fences (cough cough GTA cough cough). There is many ways to destroy those environments like of course you have weapons like pistols, rifles etc. so you can shoot at it, you can have a vehicle with a weapon shoot at or be like me by ramming your vehicle into it. A story about the vehicle point I just made, there are radio mass towers around which before I knew to shoot at the tethers holding it, I would use a the helicopter's blades to cut the wires. Another thing that is enjoyable is dogging the missiles from SAM turrets (its just as fun in the third game). Some of the locations are memorable for me are the story mission with the submarine, the Mile High Club (one its not what you thinking and two I like it because its a blimp) and the island referencing the show Lost. The island referencing Lost has three easter eggs, one is the crashed plane with the a sign pointing to the second one which is the hatch with those infamous numbers. Three is that, there is a guard that is unkillable with smoke coming out of it which is referencing the smoke monster and finally the island where this all takes place has an EMP tower (I'm not saying what EMP means because its in the one on Tripod Attack) which takes out the boat or plane on your way there but not leaving because swimming in that games takes a long time. One thing that I really loved to do is drive a Humvee down a high mountain and stay in it until I hit the river below (in video games I do stupid/crazy thing ok). If am in helicopter and need to land I park any where I want because who's gonna stop me, like one time I landed on a destructible water tower (it did in fact explode after awhile). One really fun thing to do is flying a plane under a bridge and there's two pieces of dialogue that Rico says. The first one is << One day, they will write books on all of us>> and two is <<Why go over when you can go under>>.  Whenever I decided to crash my jet or when my helicopter is falling out of the sky I like to jump out at the last possible second. That almost always works with the helicopter. The jet is a different story which is like that cool guy who says <<check this out>> or << watch this>> by jumping off a cliff only to hit head first on a ledge, head first only a few meters down. When I do succeed at jumping out of the jet, I feel unstoppable. In one of the story missions (I don't remember which don't judge me) you fight ninjas and Rico says something along the lines of <<ninjas, really I have to fight ninjas>> I still killed with them disappearing skills. There are lots of easter eggs besides the one about Lost, like the bubble blaster which is a weapon that absolutely nothing but shots bubbles. Another one is a snowman who is called Mr. Snowman (real creative name alert) that Rico can talk to which is one line that is <<hello Mister Snowman>>. There is DLC for this game but its only vehicles, weapons and a few skins for your parachute but there still fun to play with. Now for what I hate about Just Cause 2. First off, I didn't know that you can sprint in that game until a couple years later because its not on the hints or the controls. How impossible it was to spot a SAM turret because I don't have good eyesight which means I would usually take a hit if I didn't react in time. You have in game money which you can use on the black market but if you run out of money you can't fool around with the items in it which includes the DLCs.  The thing that I hate the most is that the planes are made of paper mache because if you are traveling close to the ground hit light post or a tree that can be destroyed you plane blows up. I were to rate this game on a scale from one to ten it would be a 8.9. Here is the link to the trailer because it wont show up when I try to insert the name on search for videos  Now for the review on Just Cause 3. The game takes place six years after Just Cause 2, on Rico's birth place of Medici, an Mediterranean island which is under the rule of the dictator named General Sebastiano Di Ravello (hmm a dictator controlling an island and you have to set in free, where have I heard that before). This game adds more to the Just Cause series like more and stronger tethers, unlimited explosives, updated graphics, new weapons, vehicles and a wingsuit. You can still cause chaos (that's what this series is about). Now for what I like about Just Cause 3. First off, they added a noticeable light to the SAM turrets so I can notice them a lot easier. Your planes are no longer made out of paper mache but it will take damage. Early on in the game you childhood friend named Mario Frigo is talking to you on a walkie talkie and is trying to get you to say over. After some stuff happens he says a line (that I can't remember) and Rico responds with <<You didn't say over. Over>>.  The three biggest bases have superweapons to defend them. The first one which is called Cima Leon: Centcom which is defending by constant airstrikes. The second one which I forget the name to is defending by an EMP cannon. The final and biggest one which is called Falco Maximus is defending by a Bavarium nuke which is just as fun to dodge as the SAM turret missiles. When I came across Falco Maxime and saw the warning I panicked. I tried to escape but the nuke still got me. What you are suppose to do is disable the superweapons before you liberate it. That's what I did for the first two. That's right I took the base with the nuke before shutting down the weapon system in fact I use the nuke and the reinforcements to my advantage. The reinforcements where helicopters with shields that protect you from anything even the nuke but not by being slammed in to the ground (when that happen I got ). Now for the black market you don't have money you use flares and you can have more than on thing in the delivery. My favorite and most devastating weapon in the game is the M488 which fires a mini nuke like Fatman in the Fallout seires. Of what I found so far there are two things that I noticed in Just Cause 3. The first one is the Mile High Club which crashed on Medici. The second one is Mr Snowman but not in a cold place like in Just Cause 2 but just chilling on a beach near a collectible. If you walk up to him Rico says <<So, we meet again Mister Snowman>>. There are two vehicles that use a Bavarium shield which is the Imperator Bavarium Tank and the Urga Mstitel which is a helicopter that also has a golden counter part which was used against me when I got to Di Ravello. After you destroy his helicopter he gets out and says what they all say which is <<you didn't beat me yet>> then he goes and says a speech while am pressing the trigger to put him down. When it indicated that I can now pull the trigger I didn't hesitate to do so. The final thing that I like about this game is that there are trains in it. Now for what I hate about this game. First off, the wingsuit is difficult to use. If you want all the upgrades you need to have perfect scores on all of the challenges. Finally there are no ninjas. If I would rate this game on a scale from one to ten it would be a 8.9 just like Just Cause 3. Here is a link to one of the trailers   
Cover art for Just Cause 3


  1. GAAAAAH yes!!! I absolutely love this series! GTA is nothing compared to what Just Cause can sustain. I have over 200 hours on Just Cause 2 and I don't think that's really sane. But I've been lovin' this game series since it came out. Now Imagine a 12 year old me, blaring the beatles and playing Just Cause 2. That was me, EVERY saturday morning. Ahh, such good memories.

  2. I forget how many hours I have on Just Cause 2 but I have about 3 days on Just Cause 3. Now if I would be blaring any band that I like while playing any of these games it would be ACDC.
