Saturday, January 30, 2016


This was a fun blog to do because I got say stuff about  some of my favorite video games and series. I went to Chicken Little which  I haven't played because my Game cube is kind of old. An indie game that I played on my phone and on my school laptop that scared me that I kinda try to beat the hardest thing that it has to offer (stupid 10\20 mode). The very first Xbox one game that I bought on Amazon that makes me stare at a vent because the Xenomorph sometimes drops out of them.  A game that is funny, inappropriate and a spoof to the GTA series. A flash game that is based off my favorite movie based off a famous radio broadcast and a book. A game that holds a special space in my childhood memories. A game series that I only played two of the three games of that I like more than the GTA series. A game series that is very fun and brutal that as shape shifters as the main characters. A game series that has giant fighting robots that can transform. The best video game series based off my favorite super hero.  I had at least two more games that I wanted to review. The first one would be Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag because Arghhh you are a pirate matey. The second one would be Deadpool because its very funny and random. The longest blog is the one on the Batman Arkham series because its over 2500.    

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Batman Arkham series

In the final review I will be doing all of the Batman Arkham series. I will be doing by the time line of the games which means that it will go Arkham Origins, Asylum, City, Knight and the DLCs to the game (one of the the DLCs from Knight takes place before Asylum but I will do that one when I get to Knight). Origins is the first in the time line and it takes place on Christmas eve and before Batman is allies with the Gotham Police. Two things in the story that aren't spoilers are that Black Mask is the main villan and this is where Joker makes his first appearance in the Arkhamverse (everything that has  to do with the Arkham story line). Black Mask hires 8 assassains to kill Batman. The 8 assassins are Deathstroke, Firefly, Shiva, Deadshot, Copperhead, Bane, Killer Croc and Electrocutioner. Out of the 8, only 6 of them are in the main story quests while the rest are side missions. Now for what I like about this game. Some of the bosses where fun like the Deathstroke one where you use your combat skills to beat him (mostly countering). Firefly is another boss battle that I liked (on Normal and New mode+, I will get to the other difficulty later) because he uses a Flamethrower and you kinda play tug of war with him but not with a rope but you Batclaw on his body and you pulling him down. The fight with Electrocutioner is funny because he is taunting you and all you have to do is press the attack button that makes Batman kick him in the face and he gets knockout. The gameplay is similar to Asylum and City which has one of the best combat in any game. The two gadgets that are fun to mess with is the Remote Claw and the Shock Gloves which you get from the assassins. The Remote Claw is fun because you can point it at a vantage point and then at a thug you can hang him (not by the neck it just sticks on his belly or back and just hangs there). The Shock Gloves are fun because even if the thugs or police officers have a shield or body armor you can punch right through it while without them and punched them you would do nothing and lose your combo. Sometimes you will come across a crime in progress and one of them is thugs stealing money from a bank that just exploded which is a reference to the a part of the opening scene on the Batman animated series from the nineties. There are a lot of stealth sections (because Batman was trained by ninjas) and if you use the Batclaw with a thug at a ledge you can pull him off and knock him out. Just like in City and Knight sometime thugs say <<Its the Bat>> they don't even say man that's how lazy they are. Three of the rolls that I like the most are Roger Craig Smith, Steve Blum and Troy Baker (who is in everything now days) who play Batman, Electocutioner and the Joker respectively. Here's a fun fact about Roger Craig Smith, he is the present voice actor of Sonic. Now for what I hate about this game. First off, remember the shields and body armor from earlier and what I said about losing the combo, that's annoying. Also the difficulty that I was going to talk about when I was talking about Firefly, well now its time to talk about I am the night mode. I am the night mode is no different then New mode+ with the amount of damage you take but if you die once you restart the entire game and on my first attempt I got to Firefefly and he killed me (that's halfway through the game if you didn't know). It took me 7 to 8 tries to beat this mode and my heart was racing when I got the final boss with a little health left (probably the only reason I got that far is a trick that I used which is to load at the last checkpoint when your health). The game wants to be unfair I will use tricks like that.The final reason why I hate this game is the Riddler because he's annoying. Now I will review the DLC story expansion which is Cold, Cold Heart. The expansion takes place a week after the main game and its about when Mr Freeze first appears in the Arkhamverse. Now for what I like about the expansion is that Mr Freeze is a cool villain. When you get to a certain point in the DLC you need the XE suit which makes you able to survive in the extreme cold and it looks pretty cool (to me, I don't know for you). The only thing that I hate about this is that its the only story expansion. If I would rate this game on a scale from one to ten it would be an 8. The trailer is down below. Now for Asylum. Arkham Asylum was the first game to be released and in the series. The games events takes place some time during the summer (it doesn't say the date so this just a guess). Your main goal is to take back the asylum from the Joker. Batman and Joker are played by the same voice actors from the Animated series. Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as Joker (yes its the same one who plays Luke Skywalker in Star Wars). Now for what I like about this game. First off, the voice actors that I mentioned earlier are the ones that I hear if you say <<what's the main voice you hear when someone says Batman or the Joker>>. There's another actor who didn't play in the animated series but is in this game which is Steve Blum (again) who plays Killer Croc in this one and in City and Knight. If your at the stealth sections, if you take out a thug Joker of the intercom says <<Look down on the ground, I see something and I don't like it >> or <<Looks like someone left you a gift on the walkways>>. Doing the inverted take down from a vantage point which is when you grab someone and drop them and they just hang there (again not by the neck) One achievement that I found enjoyable is Rope-a-Dope-a-Dope which is when a thug is just hanging from a rope and a thug is near, you can cut the rope with a Batarang which will startled him. When there's one thug left and he is getting scared by every little noise, I just mess with to scare him (because in video games I'm a huge jerk) like I throw a Batarang near him. Most of the boss battles are fun like Killer Croc's where you're in his lair and you have to run away from him or throw a Batarang at his shock collar. Bane even though what I like about it is the ending of the fight where you defeat him by ramming the Batmobile into the Gotham Bay (Batman knew it wouldn't kill him because Bane is too overpowered or that is one weak Batmobile). The final encounter with Scarecrow is fun because you get to fight skeletons because he used his famous fear toxin on you. My favorite Scarecrow encounter is when the game makes you think that you console or PC crash when you were in the the hallway from the beginning of the game. After either a panic attack or confusion (I was confused) it makes it look like the game restated it didn't its just the game messing with you (I'm not spoiling what happens in the cutscene find out yourself if you want to). Something happens to him that makes him not physically present in City but he is still alive (again no major spoilers). In one part you can Batclaw someone into a bottomless pit which is fun. Most of the thugs look the same (I think its because it was Rocksteady's first game with thugs, that they had trouble so they just copy and pasted the 3 main designs) so I was saying <<didn't I already punched you in the face already>>.  One other thing about the thugs in all four games is that there peripheral vision sucks because if I would see Batman take out my teammates (but I wouldn't be able to take him down). One more achievement that I found amusing is the one called Party Pooper which is to beat up all of the thugs near the end of the game (again I'm a jerk in video games especially in these games). Now for what I hate about this about this game. First off, you couldn't actually drive the Batmobile in game play. This will be a repeat off Origins, the Riddler because of the same reason as last time. This game as no story expansions but challenge maps which are fun. If I would rate this game on a scale from one to ten, it would be 8.5. The trailer is down below (with Japanese subtitles but its still in English). Now for City. Arkham City takes place 12 to 16 months after the events of Asylum. It takes place during winter because its snowing. Now for the things that I like about this game. First off., the same actors from the previous game are playing the rolls in this game. Most of the things that you can do in the other games before this one like the inverted takedown are in this game. When you need to get into the museum for Mr Freeze but your Cryptographic sequencer but its jammed. You have to take out three military grade jammers (three is the magic number of video games). When you get to the final jammer which is underground you see to thugs facing away from you. There dialogue is amazing. It kinda goes like this << the jammer might not work underground>> the other thug replies with <<how do you know that>>. <<I read the manuel>> which the other responds with <<you don't read>>. <<Yeah I do>> and the best part of the conversation is <<Porn no count>> then the one that said that he reads says <<Screw you>>. The other one laughs and laugh along with him then I knock them out. An addition that I liked was the smoke pellets. The best boss battle in the game is Mr Freeze (if you played the game you would have seen this coming). You have to use everything you have to beat him and no techniques work on him twice. One time I was going to glide kick a thug but he saw me and killed me. Now for what I hate about this game. You can't make people fall of roof tops like how in Asylum with the bottomless pit. Just like last time, the Riddler for the same reasons. Now for the DLC. The only thing from the challenge packs is the Wayne Manor, the batcave and anyone that's has infinite time is fun. You can play as Catwoman which is fast and sounds like it hurts when you hit someone. The only thing about this DLC is the final boss with Two-Face who uses a rocket launcher that fires three a The other story  expansion which is out of the main game is Harley Quinn's revenge which takes place a few weeks after the events of the main game. She got revenge on Batman for something that is a big spoiler so play it yourself to see what if you want to know. You play as Robin who is played by Troy Baker in this game (not in Knight) to rescue Batman because he was gone for two days. Now for what I like about this expansion. That Robin is playable. Batman is even more angry because is face is a lot more agressive. Now what I hate about is one achievement. Which is when you have to take out three bombs in under two or three minutes. If I would rate this game on a scale of one to ten it would be a 9.2. The trailer is down below. Now for the final game in the series which is Knight. Batman Arkham Knight takes place 9 months after the events of City and on Halloween. The two main villains are the Arkham Knight and Scarecrow who as returned from somewhere ( he doesn't say where he was for almost 2 years). The Batmobile is back (in black of course) that you can drive around a 2 square miles of Gotham city. Now for what I like about this game. Scarecrow design and voice us a lot better than in Asylum because there both more chilling. The Batmobile has two modes. Pursuit mode which is how you speed across Gotham and take out cars with thugs in them. The second one is battle mode which turns into a tank (a war machine even) so you can use to get to places that require the power winch and to destroy the Knight's tanks. Oh yeah I like tanks and fighting them. When you are transporting  the Penguin to the GCPD he says <<where am I>> which Batman responds with <<guess>>. Penguin screams no. At the very beginning of the game  (the first cutscene) you see a character lying down. After you press a you trigger the second cutscene. I'm talking about it because my thought while watching this is that the character is going to jumpscare me. When it didn't I was relieved. Remember back with Origins about the mode I am the night, well that's not in this game (yes I know that game is the first one in the time line but not the first one to be released that would be Asylum) because I didn't want to go through that again. There are 3 integrations that I like the most. The very first one and the 1 where you use the Batmobile. I like the first one because what Batman says and the way he says the these lines <<talk or else I will break every bone in your body>> than the militia member obeys and the Batman says <<if you're lying I will break the other one>>. He broke his hand. When you see him in jail you can punch him in the face and then threaten to do it again which he falls to the floor and becomes unconscious (that's a wonderful place to be unconscious if you catch my drift). If thugs see the Batmobile parked somewhere they will go and kick it or try to take a piece off. When that happens, I just go into the remote control and don't move for a few seconds while charging the afterburner then move to knock them out. Twice when I did this, some thugs didn't  run so I recreated that famous picture of that 1 guy standing in front of 5 tanks with the Batmobile while saying <<you think your tough. I did shot them with a few rubber bullets point blank in the face.Now for what I about this game. The same villain that I said in the previous games for the fourth time. He is more annoying because if you want to 100% the game you have to go through him. They removed the handy Sonic Batarang (it would make thugs go check it out and if you had the upgrade it would set it off and take them out). There weren't any good boss battles. Now for the story DLC. The Batgirl one is the longest and takes place before Asylum and the rest are below 30 minutes and after the events of the main game which I really didn't care. The only DLC that I have some hateful things to say is Catwoman's. First off, I had to deal with hearing the Riddler's voice again. At one point you face with his robots and have to avoid obstacles which I died 4 or 5 times on. All of the characters DLC skins were cool. The coolest skins belonged to the Batmobile. The first one that released was the Tim Burton Batmobile, than the tumbler (no not the website) from the Nolan trilogy, the 1960s TV Batmobile, the Batmobile that is going to appear in the Batman vs Superman movie and the original Arkham Batmobile that appeared in Asylum. All Batmobiles up to the 1960s Batmobile has 2 race tracks from where the Batmobiles appeared from and some of them have skins for the many playable characters. My favorite is the 1960s one because it as the theme song from the TV show which I found amusing. In the most recent DLC drop they added challenge maps from the 3 games made by Rocksteady which is Asylum, City and Knight. Arkham Origins is made by Warner Bothers games (WB Games for short). My favorite is the endless predator map. Sometimes in the endless predator map I am in there vision but they don't. If you do an inverted takedown they will just watch them get taking down and not shot unlike in City.  If I were to rate this game on a scale from one to ten it would be an 8.5. The trailer will be down below with it is you being able to hear Kevin Conroy's Batman voice and John Noble's Scarecrow. The pictures will be the all over the place by the way.

The cover art of Akham Origins 

The 8 assassins 

The one who's pointing is Mr Freeze for those who don't know
The XE suit

Killer Croc

The sonic batarang
The Batmoblie battle mode 
Cryptographic sequnecer 
Smoke pellets
Akham City cover art
The  1960s Batmobile 
1989 Batmobile
The 2008 Tumbler Batmobile
The 2016 Batman vs Superman Batmobile
The 2009 Arkham Asylum Batmobile 
The cover art for Batman Arkham Knight
The Batmobile Pursuit mode

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Transformers Cybertron series

In the ninth review I will be doing the Transformers Cybertron series which is War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. In War for Cybertron you play the Decepticons for 5 to six chapters and then the Autobots for the rest which means there is 10 to 12 chapters in the game (I don't remember how many chapters there are). In the Decepticon story you find and use dark energon which is stronger than regular energon while the Autobot story is to (try) fix it. Both stories  have a final bosses at the ended of them. The Decepticon one is the Autobot Omega Supreme (which sounds like something that you can order at a restaurant) and transforms into a spaceship, for the Autobots it's the Decepticon Trypticon who is kinda like a clone of Godzilla but can transform into a giant space cannon (which I couldn't find an image of it so play the game or imagine it). Now for what I like about War for Cybertron. First off you play as the Decepticons first. In the first mission there is a Decepticon called Breakdown who is losing it because Megatron is basically doing something suicidal which ramming his warship straight into the heart of a space staion. The two weapons that I like the most are the Fusion Cannon (Megatron's singature weapon) and the assault rifle.  This Transformers designs are based of the ones you see in the first series which is referred to as G1 (Generation 1). In the game, there are only two voice actors who are playing their roles from G1 which are Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime) and Corey Burton for Shockwave who is a multiplayer exclusive which you will see in the trailer down below (the one with purple and one eye and not the one with the giant one which is the sequel). Two things about this trailer. First, Shockwave is one of my favorite Transformers and second the song that plays in the trailer is the same one that plays at the end of Saints Row 4 but its the original recording of the song. After a certain encounter with Zeta Prime (yes this game takes place before Optimus gets the title of Prime and leader of the Autobots) you wake up Omega Supreme who hunts you down in the second last level. There are a couple things that I like about this level. First off, the way that Omega talks is just like in G1, one line is after StarScream fires a missile at him and hes says <<New target acquired, engaging pursuit>> (Omega does remind a bit of Yoda from Star Wars because is way of speech is different from everybody else). At one point Breakdown think's that you lost Omega but after he appears he says <<Guess not>>. The last thing is that if you are playing as Megatron (who transforms into a tank) you are going to have to out jump the bus jump from the movie Speed. I liked the fight with Omega because he is tough the first time. Now for the Autobot story. In the first level, Optimus and his gang need to find a way to turn on the Anti-Aircraft. Also in the level there is a section where you have drive a highway and I always love that part because the driving in this game is fun. The second mission is when you free Zeta Prime from the Decepticon prison and you get the the title of Prime when the mission ends. In the fourth mission where Optimus Prime is crown leader by getting the Matrix of Leadership by Primus who is Cybertron (yes Cybertron is a Transformer). In the second last level is where you face Trypticon's space cannon to let the Autobots leave because Cybertron is dying (Megatron put Dark Energon into the core). You can play as Jetfire, Air Raid or Silverbolt. It's either Air Raid or Sliverbolt that say's that he is afraid of heights when he is a jet. A few things before I say what I don't like about this game. You can double jump but can't sprint. You can get the achievement for beating hard mode on both stories by a cheap trick which is going to mission select and going to the last checkpoint to beat it and it still counts. If I could rate this on a scale of one to ten it would be a 9. The trailer is down below. Now for Fall of Cybertron. This is when the Autobots are still evacuating Cybertron and Megatron is not letting them because they didn't ask his permission. In this game its not like War for Cybertron where its one faction for 5 or 6 chapters then the next one. It's 1 or 2 chapters Autobots then the Decepticons get 1 or 2 chapters. Now for what I like about this game. You have multiple abilities to use other than one in the last game. The driving on this game is still as fun as the last game. Now the weapons can get upgraded to be more powerful. My favorite weapon at its most powerful is the Path Blaster which at one shot will do a massive explosion and do massive damage to anyone near it. The graphics look good. One of my favorite Transformers is Metroplex because he is awesome. He is almost taller than the tallest building on Earth which is the Burj Khalifa which is 829 meters tall while Metroplex is 800 meters tall. When I first played the level where Metroplex was introduced I didn't know his name so I called him big boy because his huge and very tough to kill. At the end of the level he gets knocked out and I screamed <<Big boy no>> it was one in the morning and that's when I learned his true name. At last cutscene, while Optimus is getting interrogated by Megatron then you see Metroplex and I had smile on my face and then he gave Megatron a few (if you chosen to) punches. The next Autobot that I liked is Grimlock got his vhiecle form altered into a T. rex by Shockwave. His voice actor is the same who played him in G1 which is Gregg Berger. In this game you can play as Shockwave (or you see him can't remember which) in the campaign. This time Corey Burton turned down the roll to do another one in something else while Steve Blum gets it. There are a few easter eggs that I like in this game. The first one is that sometimes while playing as Optimus and you go to Teletran 1 it start to say Orion Pax then it will say Optimus which is a reference to Optimus before he got changed, like his previous life. The second one is when you are playing as Megatron and you find a secret arcade room with a claw machine. You can play the claw machine and see toy versions of certain Transformers. The best thing about it is that if you press nothing or you press the same button twice, you will get no toy and Megatron will get angry and the screen will turn red for a second. The third one is when you are playing as Grimlock and you try to access Teletran 1 but you are too big and it says you can't access it because you're too big. You can leave or destroy it to get into the room with Shockwaves signature weapon the Sling Shock. The last one is a DLC weapon which is the throwback blaster. The throwback blaster is a reference to what Megatron transformed into in G1 (yes he transformed into a hand gun). The gun makes the same sound when it shoots in the show and when you switch weapons or hands as when any transformer does in the show. Now for what I hate about this game. They replaced the fusion cannon with the riot cannon. You can't double jump but you can sprint why not both. At one part of the game I died 5 times on Normal setting. If I would rate this game on a scale from one to ten it would be a 8.9. The tralier is down below.
Omega Supreme 
Omega Supreme's ship form
War for Cybertron cover art
The cover art of Fall of cybertron and the weapon that Optimus prime is holding is the Path blaster
Grimlock (robot form) 
Grimlock's dino mode
FOC Sling Shock.jpg
The Sling Shock
Throwback blaster
Megatron gun form

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Prototype series

Cover art of the first game and that's Alex Mercer
The cover art of well read it and that's Heller
My eighth review will be on Prototype and Prototype 2. In Prototype you play as Alex Mercer on the main island of New York (Manhattan Island). You were working for Gentek but the Blacklight virus changed you by erasing your memory and by making you into a super cool shape shifter. Your objective is to regain your memory by consuming (not by eating them through) the people involved with you  and remove the virus. What I like about this game is that you have many powers to mess around with like claws, a sword arm, hammerfists, whipfist, shield, armor, muscle mass and other things. Also if you think that Alex is good all the way, you are wrong he is an anti-hero (which means if he needs to kill innocent civilians to get to his goal than so be it). Messing with military personnel is always fun by framing them of them being  you because you don't know who is a shape shifter. If you do so they will shoot them no questions asked while you are still alive. You can pick up cars and with the muscle mass pick up trucks and throw them at the military or civilians. You can pilot helicopters and tanks/APCs only. In a helicopter I am mostly hard to kill because I am that good flying and destroying other helicopters who are in my way. In a tank I just run over infected and military personnel because they shouldn't be in my way. When ever I found a target for the web of intrigue (your memory) I stopped whatever I was doing and paid him or her their last visit in a violent beat down. One thing that I found enjoyable is catching something that a hydra throw at you and throw it back.One it caught and throw back at me (I wasn't expecting it the first time) and we played a bit of catch until we we failed (like a dangerous game of hot potato but with a big chunk of concrete or a car). Finding all the orbs (at first) was fun because there were everywhere. There is a certain kind of tank that fire's thermonuclear blasts and destroys or kills in a huge blast radius that is fun to use. With the whipfist you can grab people further away from you and I sometimes say <<Get over here>> like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Now for what I hate about this game. First off getting the achievement nice guy (beat the game by consuming less than ten civilians which if you didn't know consuming is the only way to get back to full health) is difficult because there everywhere and you take a lot of damage even with the armor ability on. Remember thermonuclear tank that I mentioned earlier (if you did good, if you didn't read back) yeah its fun to use but not fun to go against. I think I took a break because I was getting pretty annoyed (for your information am not like people who throw there controller or break the console or TV, I just turn off then go eat or walk). Finding the last collectibles is annoying, for instance I had to look up where the orbs are but there are two different kinds of orbs (hints which are pink and just plan old blue collectibles). It was the same thing with the web of intrigue when I had one person left. I tried to look up the location of the last one but there wasn't a map but a suggestion, which was to sweep the island above the streets with a helicopter. When I found him the first time I was so excited that I jumped out and the helicopter it fell near him and exploded which killed him. The second time was when I was successful. The final boss is the most frustrating because first when you get him at a certain amount of damage a cutscene plays than a timer appears. The timer is ONE MINUTE AND FORTY-FIVE seconds but that's not the worst thing. When he has a sliver of health he jumps away. One time he did that I had three seconds on the timer and lost. If I would rate this game on a scale from one to ten it would be 7.9. Here is the link to the trailer Now for Prototype 2. You play as SGT. James Heller and your objective is to get revenge on Alex Mercer and the virus for killing your wife and daughter. Now the virus is called the Mercer virus because he was responsible for the first outbreak (on accident) and two years after the second on purpose (even though he said he didn't liar). For the first 5 minutes of the game you are human chasing after Mercer. Than you get interrupted by a blackwatch helicopter (the same organization from the first game) then Mercer destroyed it. After the you being chased and a quick time event, Alex gives you the same some of the powers that he has had but you have to get through the game to gain the others like all of the weapons. Now for what I like about this game. There is some similarities to the first game so I won't repeat them. Now the vehicles have unlimited ammo. There is a indicator for the collectibles now and not as much. When Mercer says the line at the very beginning <<also put some ******* clothes on>> (oh yeah in this game there are alot of swearing). You can make people a bomb and if you have a special code you can kick them like a football. The helicopter now has the thermonuclear treatment. The final boss doesn't have a timer on it. During the final boss if you use the same weapon has the boss is using he well counter and say <<I'm using that>> or <<Copycat>>. He some times says << You can be the grandfather of the new world>> Heller's response is <<Now you're tring to make me mad>>. Sometimes he uses the Whipfists and tries to slam a helicopter into you. Now for what I hate about this game. The thermonuclear blast from the helicopter isn't as devastating as the one from the tank. You can't frame someone for being a you and I liked in the first game. If I would rate this game on a scale form one to ten, it would be a 9. The trailer is at the top.