Wednesday, November 25, 2015

SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom

The box art 
All the bosses
My sixth review will be on SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom which I played on the PS2 (ahh childhood memories). The game starts off with SpongeBob and Patrick playing cowboys and robots and then they wish too play with real robots, so they use the magic wishing shell and shakes and says that in the morning, there will be real robots to play with. Meanwhile Plankton, finished invention called the Duplicatotron 3000 that makes life size robots (lucky for Patrick and SpongeBob) but Plankton has the lever on Don't obey so they kick him out of his own home.You can also play as Sandy in this game. Now for what I like about the game. First off, All three characters has two abilities that are unique to them, SpongeBob can use a bubble missile attack and can use a bubble Viking bowling ball to hit something out of range of his normal spin attack which he use a bubble blowing stick (I don't know what it is called and yes all his attack's are based off bubbles). The one that first tells you your basic attacks is Bubble Buddy that comes from an episode of the same name (I think, its been along time okay don't judge me). Patrick is that he can pick up and throw watermelons and ice fruit around. He can also belly flop and create a small shock wave to make them go in a ball and throw them. Sandy can use her lasso to grab on enemies and destroy them instantly or to stay in the air for a few seconds kinda like a helicopter (helicopter sound effect include). I like all the bosses in the game. There are three robot ones and three that aren't robots. The first robot one you face is Robot Sandy which you face has SpongeBob in the first and thrid round and Patrick in the second round (yes there are in a wrestling ring). The thing that I like the most about this boss battle is that Patrick does not take it seriously. The second robot one is robot Patrick and you fight it as SpongeBob and Sandy. Like the last boss, you fight as SpongeBob in the first and third round while Sandy gets the second round. The second and third round is flooded with acid so you can't just it his weak point which is his back (and there's a stick note that says hit here). My favourite thing about this boss battle is before the second round, there is a cutscene where SpongeBob gets frozen and Sandy's reaction is the best. The final robot one is robot SpongeBob and you fight him as only SpongeBob this time. After you hit all the the green weak points with your bubble rocket you go indise of robot SpongeBob (get your mind out of the gutter) so you can destroy his brain. Now for the two not robotic bosses. The first one you will come across is King Jelllyfish which you beat him up as SpongeBob so you can give Squidward a cure for his Jellyfish stings (no not urine). The second boss is the Flying Ducthman and you fight him has Sandy so you can get out of the graveyard for ships. The third one is Prawn which he uses sound to hurt you and you need to hurt him with the bowling ball. All of the enemies  are fun too fight. My favourite enemy is the one that use a ham on a stick and whacks you with it like a hammer (think it though). There are some slides in the game where you slide down (obviously) but how Spongebob does it is funny, he uses his tongue. The game makes lots of references too the show like, you can teleport from point A to point B by using a box which is from the episode Idiot Box where SpongBob and Patrick imagine cool things inside a box. Another one is some of the locations like the Kelp forest and Rock Bottom which appeared in the show only once (if I remember correctly). The location that I like the most in this game is the Mermalair which belongs too Mermaid Man and Barncle Boy which is a reference too the 1960s Batman television series. Around the world you can fight robots that come from little version of the Duplicatotron 3000 and the music is awesome. The game is just like other 3D platforms like those that can be found on the N64 like two of the Banjo-Kazooie games and Mario 64. Which means that you need to collect stuff like in this game you collect golden spatulas which is a reference to the episode where Plankton wants the Krabby Patty secret formula and bribes SpongeBob with a golden spatula. To upgrade your health which are underpants, you need to find some golden underpants. The best things that are funny for me are the lost socks for Patrick and the shiny things (yes that's waht they are called) to get to certain areas. Now for what I hate about this game. First of all, since I was younger when I played the game not as intelligent in games I will say what I'm suppose to do here and die trying to figure it out. Secondly just like the last point, when I got to the second robotic boss, the third round is difficult because you have to hit robot Patrick by using your bowling ball to hit his back but almost every time his back is facing the moving platforms that move you into the acid. Sometime he is out of reach and you miss your chance to hit him. If I would to rate this game on scale one to ten it would be a 8. The tralier is up top and just like some games some trailers look different  then the full game.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tripod Attack (Flash game)

You thought you wouldn't be seeing this again (the first review about chicken little)
My fifth review will be on an adobe Flash game called Tripod Attack. The objective is very simple, destroy everything military related trying to take down your Tripod from the movie War of the Worlds (my favourite movie if you didn't know). You have three bar too indicate different things which are your shield capacity, your health/armor bar for your basic health and if that deplete's your dead unlike your shield bar and the last one is for your lasers and how long you can fire it. You can upgrade those and the radius and the damage of the lasers, the shield and armor integrity. Now for what I like about this flash game. One like I mentioned before it is based of my favourite movie. Second there is about 15 levels and at the tenth  level  and fifteenth  there's a boss (I might have forgotten about one but no big deal). The first one is an attack helicopter which fires missiles that you can shoot down (or you can take them like a man and make your sheild bar to go down). The final boss is a tank that fires lasers at you and you can do a beam struggle. I like the fighting them because they are cool looking. Thridly, you can vaporize the bullets, rockets and tank shells that are being fired at you (at first I didn't know that you can do that so I died alot). Fourth off, you can hear the Tripod horn every minute thirty or so and here's a clip of it (don't have the volume high with head phones unless you want to become deaf or crazy) Sometimes when you kill a marine there body is kinda of in your way so it looks like you killed them by stepping on. Another thing that I like about this flash game is that you can make the Tripod nod its head and I find it funny because its a 35 stroy high death machine nodding its head. Now for what I hate about this game. First off, the rocket marines come in a squadron so if you don't vaporize the rockets you will be bombarded by rockets. Second off, the EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) vehicles are annoying because you have marines, hummers, tanks, helicopters and jets are attacking you while the EMP is already taking down your shield, within seconds your shield is down and your health bar is almost depleted because your shield is gone and the military is trying to destroy you. There is an upside to the EMP vehicle is when you destroy it, its so satisfying that its gone. If I would rate this game on a scale from one to ten it would be a 7.8. Since its a Flash game there is no trailer but you can type in Tripod Attack on google and play it yourself (if you want).

Monday, November 9, 2015

Saints Row 4/re-elected edition

Murica gun
Cover art of the re-elected edition with Gat out of Hell
Dubstep gun
The fourth game I will be reviewing is Saints Row 4/re-elected (which is the rerelease on the Xbox one and PS4) and it's expansion packs (I did this game for the fourth review on purpose).

This is my second favourite Saints Row game series in the series while the second game is number one. The game is a parody of the GTA series because it's alot more goofy than GTA. The game takes place five years after Saints Row the third which you play as mob boss turn into the president of the United States of America and you get abducted by aliens (not the Xenomorphs) and put into a simulation of the last games city which is Steelport. The game is rated M by the ESRP because there are weapons (some of them are very inappropriate), swearing and lot more mature rating stuff. During the alien invasion your none important body guards try to kill the aliens and sometime when they die, one will say <<Tell my wife, I had another wife>> which I facepalmed and in the same level you have too shoot down some alien ships and at the very end they go and do a Space Invader reference by go in a formation and coming closer.  There are lots of reasons why I like this game like you can customize your weapons to look different which some of them reference other games, tv or movies like a skin for the sinper looks like it was made in MineCraft, another one is the phasers in its different color variations. One more thing about the weapons is one in particular is the Dubstep Gun which is beautiful because you can kill people using the power of music and while your firing the Dubstep Gun people and cars are dancing to the beat. Some of the activities in the game are fun like the ones where you have to cause mayhem with some weapons or vheicles like a army or alien tank or a UFO and the insurance fraud activity where you have to get hit by cars and get points. Not only do the weapons reference other things but the game does too like it's basically a huge Matrix reference. When you first try too escape Zinyak (the leader of the aliens which are called Zin) you're in a spacship and your character wich his name is The Boss (his named is not confirmed yet) says <<why don't we put on some music>> then Kinzie says <<we are in space, there are no radio waves this far out>>, she gets cut off by the song What is Love coming on. You have alot of powers at your disposal like freezing people, stomping them and creating a shockwave, super speed, gliding (not flying) and many more. One of the enemies is called exterminators which are a reference to the Terminator. During the game you have too save your friends from there own worst fear, my favourite is the a tie between Johnny Gat and Price. Johnny Gat's is a old school beat im up and Johnny goes through his lover getting killed (from the second game, long story) over and over again. Price's worse fear is his merchandise turning against him in the form of a giant Saints Flow can named Paul. Before the final level you have to take down the simulation, one the things you bring back is Paul and he gives you a thumbs up. At the end of the game where you are about to face the final boss, the song You got the touch by Stan Bush is playing and Zinyak is saying you won't beat him and your character reply is <<One shall stand and one shall fall>> which is a quote from Optimus Prime from Transformers (If you didn't know).  Now what I hate about the main game. First off, there are alot of boring side missions like hacking stores which by the way they get harder everytime and I needed to find how to do it on Youtube. Second off, the vheicles mostly the cars feel useless because you have super speed and can glide across the city. Thirdly the Data clusters which there is about 1255 of them around Steelport and when there's just 100 of them without the collectible finder is quite difficult and annoying. Final reason is that your health recovers slower than the other games in the series. Now for the first expansion pack which is the Christmas theme where you save Santa from Claws (get it) which is his evil counterpart who wants Christmas to be forgotten. What I like about the first expansion pack is that they added in new weapons, vheicles and skins for both like the BB gun which I like so much, a robotic sleigh and reindeer. The new skins are for the Dubstep with Christmas themed Dubstep and a North Pole pole for the Baseball bat. The Final reason is that near the end of the expansion, you have too get in too Santa's workshop and there's a barrier made of a candy cane and you can lick it. While licking the barrier, there is some text that at first is encouraging you to finish it then it starts to say to give up and the final things are you like the sound don't you. When you finish it off you find out the door is locked that took you 15 minutes (30 if you did it on next gen) but you get an achievement which is why I did it. Now why I hate this expansion pack is that it's an hour long and I like if it were two hours not one. The final reason is that its kinda hard. The second expansion is called enter the something inappropriate-matrix (you can look up the real name yourself and don't put in the comments). What I liked about the second expansion is that it was fun too play though it like the last expansion. My  friend Paul the huge Saints Flow can returns and you have too destroy him from the inside. The level when you go through Paul is like the one where you escape Zinyak's huge ship for the first time. Now what I hate about the second expansion pack is when you're flying through Paul like what I said about two lines ago but without the song What is Love playing and you have to kill Paul. Now for a piece of DLC (downloadable content) that has no story just a new costume, a gun and a jet that I like which the theme of the pack is America. I like both the gun which is called Murica (that's how it is really called) and the jet called the Screaming Eagle which is the shape of an eagle that when hovering it flaps its wings. Now for the final expansion pack is called Gat out of Hell where Johnny Gat and Kenzie help The Boss to not get married by the daughter of the devil called Jezebel. What I like about the final expansion is that you have basically the same kinda powers except a bit different like its not ice, it is turn people to stone. You see Dane Vogel the main antagonist (kinda) from the second Saints Row which I like I said (or written) at the beginning is my favourite in the series. There is a weapon for each Deadly Sin, Uriels Edge which is a sword to represent envy, Gallows Dodger which is a pistol that represents pride (it also talks which I like when my weapon talks) Last Supper which is represents gluttony, Diamond Sting is the weapon that represents greed and when you kill someone with it makes alot more money than any other weapon, Boom Chicka which is a shotgun which represents lust, the Ark of the Covenant which is the weapon that represents wrath and my favourite one is the weapon that represents sloth which is the Armchair-a-geddon which is just a recliner chair with dual machine guns and can fire rockets (this, Murica and the Dubstep gun are all tied for my favourite weapon in the entire game and series). The last reason why I like this expansion is the musical number because your in Hell and even the devil sings along which I find funny and ridiculous. This expansion was easier to complete than the main game. Now for the two reasons for what made the expansion not perfect. First off, you can't put the sin weapons over to the main game and the insurance fraud side missions suck compared  to the ones in the main game because you can't go flying half way across the map. If I would rate everything, I would give it an 8.1. The trailer is too inappropriate so you guys and girls (or other) can look it up yourselves.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


The third game I will be reviewing is gonna be Alien: Isolation based off the Alien movie franchise. This game takes place 15 years after the first alien movie and you play as Amanda Ripley, Ellen Ripley's daughter through the Sevastopol space station to retrieve the Nostromo flight recorded which is from her mother's ship. The game is a first person horror game which means you aren't in a bird eye view so you can't see what's behind you unless you turn your head around. There are enemies like some humans, the androids (which are very creepy by the way) and the main thing too watch out for is the Xenomorph (the alien if you didn't know the name). You can use weapons like the maintenance jack or guns to kill the hostile humans or the androids but it can't kill the Xenomorph. The shotgun, bolt and anything to do with fire will make it stop or make it flee. The game is dark so you can't see in some areas but you can use the motion tracker or the flashlight but the flashlight can run out of power. In harder difficulties the motion tracker glitches so it is not as precise as in easy or medium mode. One way to avoid hostile humans or all the androids is to hide in the vents or hide under a table because they are pretty dumb and don't check the vents or under an obvious table but that doesn't work with the alien that can go into the vents (it's pretty terrifying when you encounter it in the vents). In the first two missions of the game you don't see a trace of the Xenomorph except at the end of mission two. Mission three you see it after you disengage the lock down and it comes down really slow so you can a long look at this terrifying alien standing in front of you. After it first appears you will have to go to the elevator while trying too not get caught. The game is about 20 hours long. The edition I got had the Nostromo edition which came with a 30 minute expansion which you can play as the original crew of the Nostromo. In the expansion you have too block most of the exits so the Xenomorph has to go where you are plan to kill it. What I like about this game and it's expansion is that it's a long game so more fun for me. This game made want a pet Xenomorph because it is such a cool alien with its design. I like the time when I was trying to get an achievement which not to die by the alien in the 4th mission, I was confident that he wasn't in the vent but I was wrong and he killed me while I jumped out of my chair. In of the many cutscences of the game your are just walking in a room and the Xenomorph drops out of nowhere. It is so satisfying when you use the flamethower or throw  molotov at the Xenomorph and scare it away because its an animal and most animals are afraid of fire (I said how does it feel to be afraid of me). Reasons why I don't like this game is that its stressful because you can't see behind or a cross the hall so you have to stick your meaty head out and if it sees you dead because you can't outrun it. That the motion tracker is garbage on hard difficulties when I tried the hardest difficulty (I stopped because I went to another level to show something to my brother so I had to start the game again after). The three  things that I hate the most about  the facehuggers is that they hide under  stacked boxes because the facehuggers are terrifying, annoying and they jumpscare you(its scary when you play the game for the first time and the jumpscare happens). If I would rate this game from one to ten I would give it a 8. Here is the trailer

A facehugger (Do not let this thing hug your face)

The Xenomorph (have fun with the nightmares)

Friday, October 30, 2015

Five Nights at Freddy's 2 (Indie Game)

The second game I will be reviewing is the only indie game to be on this list which is going to be Five Nights at Freddy's 2. All four Five Nights at Freddy's games are all made by one man name Scott Cawthon in a short amount of time which is about three months except for the first game which it took six months to make. Just like the first game you have too check cameras but there are some new things added and one thing removed. First of all, there are no doors for you too protect yourself from the animatronics but there is a mask which fools most of them except for two, the two are Foxy the Pirate and the Puppet. Unlike the first game you can use a flashlight in all the rooms, the vents and down the hall but there is power to it and you can lose it. If there is something that can kill you near the vents, the vents or down the hall a loud alram will be saying (hey buddy, there is something  trying too kill you so pay attention or else you're going too die soon). So the things that I like about the game are that some the designs are some are some my favourites in the whole series like the old Bonnie which doesn't have a face. I like the alram that was mentioned early because it sounds cool and it really helps you. Another animatronic that I like which is the my favourite from the whole series is a clone of my favourite animatronic which is Foxy and the clone who is Mangle who hangs from the ceiling in the restaurant. I think that all the jumpscares are all awesome because they can't scare me no more (which if you never played or seen this game, it will scare you). Here come the reasons why I dont like this game, first off, I have on my phone which means it's alot harder than the one on the computer because the night are shorter. Since its on the phone, the mysterious Golden Freddy can sometimes kill you after a couple seconds or a minute and make you think that you are safe from than Bam he jumpscares ( its frustrating believe me). On both versions there is a night 6 and a custom night (yes I know its called Five Nights at Freddy's 2 but there is seven nights in total). Night 6 is just night five but harder while custom night is when you can customize the animatronics AI level from one which is easy to twenty which is extreme. You can put them all on twenty (if you dare) but it will take you alot of time because how difficult it is, it took famous youtuber Markiplier nine hours to beat 10/20 mode on the PC version. when I attempt too do it on the mobile version, all the animatronics need to take a chill pill because they will come none stop to pop in too say hello then murder you if your not fast enough with the mask. This game has the most annoying animatronics in the game which are Ballon Boy and the Puppet. First off Ballon boy if you don't make him go away with your mask, he will laugh at you and not allow you to use your flashlight (which you need to make Foxy go away for your information). The Puppet is annoying because you need to wind up his music box so he doesn't jumpscare but when you have animatronics who either pull down your camera system down so you can put on the mask (while you have basically have no time on the music box) or when you pull down the camera system yourself and get jumpscared because you didn't look to see if there is an animatronic in your face. I would rate this on a scale from one to then a 7.4. Here is the trailer and you can look up Markiplier's gameplay of the game by typing in Five Nights at Freddy's playlist on youtube. 

Old Foxy

Bonnie's Five Nights at Freedy's 2 design 
The Puppet
Ballon Boy 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Chicken Little game based of the movie.

The first game I will be reviewing is Chicken little  based of the movie sharing the same tiltle. I got this game for my birthday when I was young for the Nintendo Game Cube.The main character, Chicken Little (real original name) and friends travel through fun and challenging levels.  I like this game because I liked the movie first of all, second the gameplay was simple and very good so were the graphics at the time. The first chase level was fun because a goose is chasing you just like that game you used to play when you were younger (I just caught on to that while writing this). After that you play dodge ball which is a favourite level of mine because dodge ball is fun in real life. After a couple of levels you will encounter your first spaceship level which is just you playing a game inside a game. There are three levels like this one and they are basically 3D galaga but the third level (I think) has a boss with three stages that are harder then the last one. After you beat the first space level you enter the real spaceship and pilot one of the machines and pilot it. One of the biggest reason why I like the game and the movie is because the machines that attack the town remind me of the Tripods from war of the worlds.

They remind me of it because they come from a different planet, have three lights and both use lasers (but one of them kills while another one just puts them somewhere else feel free to guess which ones which in the comments). On all the levels you pilot the machines, the soundtrack is amazing and is struck in my head. The final reason I like this game that one of the bosses is cool because it  uses lasers, I have fun fighting it and the sounds that it makes is awesome in my opinion. Now for the parts that suck, as good of the soundtrack in the pilot the machine levels are, the last one was hard for me when I first played it. Since I suck at driving in games in general but the ones in this game all suck except the last one which you drive off the spaceship in a firetruck but even that level is hard. The first driving level you need to collect groceries in a time limit. The driving level that loath the most is the first time you dirve the firetruck through rings that a UFO makes but the thing can turn so fast and the rings can disappear in seconds. The very last thing that I don't like about this game is that the song its the end of the world by REM doesn't play in the game while it does in the movie (one my favourite songs)  I would rate this game on a scale from 1 to 10 a 7.5. The link for the trailer for the game is right here (the game looks kinda different in the trailer than the full  

I couldn't find a higher quality picture 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


I am going to review ten of my favourite games  because I been playing video games for approximately a dozen years. This list will contain some triple A tiltes and series which means  you will see commercials for it on tv and are for the main consoles, some flash games which are computer games from the internet and a single indie game which is made by one or a small group of people from a small video game company. When I was four or five my mother bought a Nintendo Game Cube for me and my brothers for Christmas I think. At that time I used to play with my brothers but I wasn't really competitive with my big brother because I wanted to have fun and he wanted to win so I would get yelled at. When I played with my little brother since I was older, I would probably beat him in most games and since he was very young he would toss the controller at me in anger. After about a year or two I started to play alone and play games that you can play single player. At my father's house for Christmas he bought a PS2.  A two years later my mother bought the Nintendo Wii and so my brothers all wanted to be on the new and shiny console while I had the Game Cube all to myself. I would watch my brothers play but I did  not ask them if I could play too because I didn't like too get yelled at or have controller thrown at me. A few years past and my mother decides to get a new console the Xbox 360 but the same thing with the Game Cube my brothers barely played the Wii or the Game Cube just as much as I did. When my brothers weren't playing the 360 I was playing the Wii probably playing a game that might or might not be on this list and when they were playing I could go in the room with the Game Cube and played another game that might be or not on this list. More time passes by and a new model of the 360 but when my dad was at a house for something for his car I spotted a Game boy color and asked the owner if I could have for free because it was in the garage gathering dust he said yes ( I heard that his wife got upset because she wanted to sell it). Then last December 29th is when I bought my own Xbox One. 

Nintendo Wii
Game boy color and the exact one that I have
Xbox one
Xbox 360
Read the top
Game Cube (duh)