Tuesday, October 27, 2015


I am going to review ten of my favourite games  because I been playing video games for approximately a dozen years. This list will contain some triple A tiltes and series which means  you will see commercials for it on tv and are for the main consoles, some flash games which are computer games from the internet and a single indie game which is made by one or a small group of people from a small video game company. When I was four or five my mother bought a Nintendo Game Cube for me and my brothers for Christmas I think. At that time I used to play with my brothers but I wasn't really competitive with my big brother because I wanted to have fun and he wanted to win so I would get yelled at. When I played with my little brother since I was older, I would probably beat him in most games and since he was very young he would toss the controller at me in anger. After about a year or two I started to play alone and play games that you can play single player. At my father's house for Christmas he bought a PS2.  A two years later my mother bought the Nintendo Wii and so my brothers all wanted to be on the new and shiny console while I had the Game Cube all to myself. I would watch my brothers play but I did  not ask them if I could play too because I didn't like too get yelled at or have controller thrown at me. A few years past and my mother decides to get a new console the Xbox 360 but the same thing with the Game Cube my brothers barely played the Wii or the Game Cube just as much as I did. When my brothers weren't playing the 360 I was playing the Wii probably playing a game that might or might not be on this list and when they were playing I could go in the room with the Game Cube and played another game that might be or not on this list. More time passes by and a new model of the 360 but when my dad was at a house for something for his car I spotted a Game boy color and asked the owner if I could have for free because it was in the garage gathering dust he said yes ( I heard that his wife got upset because she wanted to sell it). Then last December 29th is when I bought my own Xbox One. 

Nintendo Wii
Game boy color and the exact one that I have
Xbox one
Xbox 360
Read the top
Game Cube (duh)


  1. Dozen years..ha-ha funny !!!.I can’t wait to learn more about video games. I like your introduction because you talk about all the kind of video games you had in the pass. Who created the first video game ?

    1. Well the very first video game was made in 1947 but not too the public while the first one too be released too the public would be Pong for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES for short)

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  2. I can't wait to see all the games that you will be posting about I hope to see one about the Legend of Zelda and it will be cool to see which one you pick.
